CEINEX provides an extensive variety of asset classes to the international investor community.
Products to Trade China

CEINEX provides an extensive variety of asset classes to the international investor community. Tradable in the Chinese currency, Renminbi (RMB), the products based on Chinese underlyings enable investors to participate in the growth of China.

Trading is conducted within the European regulatory environment and time zone using the existing infrastructure and licenses of Deutsche Börse Group and Eurex Clearing.

There is absolutely no change in trading and clearing interfaces. Simply make sure that RMB transactions are activated in your system.


CEINEX Cash Market Products

The cash market is the current focus of CEINEX. Products include bonds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and, forthcoming, Deutschland Shares (D-Shares), referring to shares issued by companies incorporated in China and listed in Germany.

ETFs on CEINEX track the most important Chinese indices. RMB bonds are issued by blue chip companies or large financial institutions. Debt securities are in the progress of planning, which support China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” projects facilitating investment and development along the ancient silk road from China to the West.


China Europe International Exchange 

CEINEX is a bridging market, offering the unique combination between Chinese issuers and global investors.

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How can investors join the CEINEX market?

Buy-side institutions and financial market end customers can access CEINEX market and its products via service providers and brokerage firms.